Porous Eggs


In the Brooder
Feb 25, 2016
Good morning! I'm new to this site and to incubating eggs. I'm on day nine today and most of the eggs appear to be progressing nicely. I just got a backyard mix of 48 eggs from Craigslist. My problem, I'm having trouble finding a good thermometer. Between both incubators attached digital thermometers and the three that I've bought, not one of them read the same. I have no idea what, if any, thermometer is reading correctly. Any recommendations on a good accurate thermometer? Also, some of the eggs I got are really porous. I'll try to attach a picture. Question, should I continue to try to hatch them or should I just toss them? I can't even really see inside the eggs when I candle because of how porous some are. I appreciate any and all advice!
Welcome to BYC, porous eggs are common it just means they didn't quite have enough calcium, or they are older, unless they are infertile or die they should hatch just fine for you.
You may have to keep an eye on your air cells and adjust humidity accordingly. I notice, with mine, they loose moisture a lot faster. If I only have a couple, I just let them ride it out. If most of my eggs in the incubator are porous, I bump the humidity up a tad to reduce moisture loss.

Good luck!
Thank you. I think I may have a problem in my incubator. The humidity reads 40% but I've found three dead ones all stuck to the side of the egg in the last few days. Any ideas as to what the problem could be. This one looks like it had just died and was all stuck to the side when I cracked it open.
I'm with the others, I haven't had problems with porous eggs. As for the dead chicks stuck to the side; I'm assuming you're turning the eggs often? Also assuming you're sure they're dead?

I tend toward the side that I keep eggs in that I'm unsure about for quite awhile to see if anything changes. If there aren't any cracks, the risk is low.

Anyways, a bit more information would be helpful!
Only see one post! :) I guess I'm not positive on whether that one was dead but I moved it a lot while candling and it stayed stuck to the side and never once moved at all. I sure hope it was and I didn't kill a live chick. :( The other two were definitely dead for awhile. I was using an automatic turner but I think that may be the problem. I took it out and am going to start turning by hand. I don't think the automatic turner was really turning them enough. Seems like it more just slightly tilted them one way or another. Maybe I'm just messing with them too much. I can't leave them alone! I candle every day. It's so neat to see them growing and changing!
I'm sure you did everything right. I just wanted to make sure the obvious was answered. :) I've seen some posts where the obvious isn't done and I'm just SMH like crazy! Lol

I have the brinsea with an automatic turner, and I haven't had issues with the rocking back and forth. That being said, if you're already in there and hands on, you may as well do the turning. It's very strange that it would be stuck if the turning was done ( by the auto turner) and your temps/humidity were right. But, some eggs just aren't meant to hatch. Sometimes that can be the answer?

I also struggled with hands off with my first hatch, and I still get so excited every time I candle anything! I don't think it goes away. But the stress over problems is horrible, so I totally feel your pain. I hope you find an answer to the sticking problem, there are some really smart people here. Good luck on the rest of your hatches!
Thank you! Hopefully, hand turning helps them. It's a lot more stressful than I was expecting actually. I'm really hoping that some hatch or I will be so disappointed and sad. Even if I only get ten, I'll be happy!! You're right, this is a great site. I've learned tons just from bopping around on different threads. Definitely some chicken experts here!

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