I have a few questions:
First a little background info. I am in Texas(Gulf Coast), I have a large flock of chickens that free range daily.
On Monday morning I went out about 10 min after the auto door opened to find 3 chickens dead. Bodies left right where they were attacked.
I cleaned up the bodies, and had to leave for an appointment. I returned about 2 - 3 hours later to another 4-5 bodies left exactly where they were killed.
I then sat out there with 2 different guns, assuming it was stray dogs causing this.
About 4:30 pm, out of nowhere this animal shot out at such great speed it was shocking. It grabbed a hen, and I shot right at it. It ran around the corner of another shed we have with feathers hanging out of its mouth, and I shot at it again and again.(yes, clearly my aim sucks badly considering I missed it every darn time)
It didn’t look like a dog, more likely a bobcat, however it had very rounded ears.
I am still trying to figure out if my mind is playing tricks on me because no bobcat I know of would behave like this.
It kills for fun like a dog, however it is so silent and stealthy like a cat. It had this wild,crazy look about it, something I have never seen before.
It seems to go against what I know about these creatures, but I am pretty sure this was no ordinary animal.
It almost seemed like a hybrid of something.
It’s face looked like something similar to a hyena.
That night turned the auto door off, so they stayed inside all the next day.
When I went out the next morning, I spent hours out there with the gun again, and nothing.
I realized I would have to bait this thing in, because it was probably watching for activity from its hiding place.
I decided to use some of my more wild roosters to bait this thing in.
After about 3 hours, I needed to run to the house.
Well guess what, in the 10-15 min I was gone, it came and went and killed 1 of the 3 roosters I let out.
I spent the rest of the day pissed off and sitting out there, and not a darn thing.
My question is:
Is it a possibility that a bobcat would kill over and over and never come back to eat?
First a little background info. I am in Texas(Gulf Coast), I have a large flock of chickens that free range daily.
On Monday morning I went out about 10 min after the auto door opened to find 3 chickens dead. Bodies left right where they were attacked.
I cleaned up the bodies, and had to leave for an appointment. I returned about 2 - 3 hours later to another 4-5 bodies left exactly where they were killed.
I then sat out there with 2 different guns, assuming it was stray dogs causing this.
About 4:30 pm, out of nowhere this animal shot out at such great speed it was shocking. It grabbed a hen, and I shot right at it. It ran around the corner of another shed we have with feathers hanging out of its mouth, and I shot at it again and again.(yes, clearly my aim sucks badly considering I missed it every darn time)
It didn’t look like a dog, more likely a bobcat, however it had very rounded ears.
I am still trying to figure out if my mind is playing tricks on me because no bobcat I know of would behave like this.
It kills for fun like a dog, however it is so silent and stealthy like a cat. It had this wild,crazy look about it, something I have never seen before.
It seems to go against what I know about these creatures, but I am pretty sure this was no ordinary animal.
It almost seemed like a hybrid of something.
It’s face looked like something similar to a hyena.
That night turned the auto door off, so they stayed inside all the next day.
When I went out the next morning, I spent hours out there with the gun again, and nothing.
I realized I would have to bait this thing in, because it was probably watching for activity from its hiding place.
I decided to use some of my more wild roosters to bait this thing in.
After about 3 hours, I needed to run to the house.
Well guess what, in the 10-15 min I was gone, it came and went and killed 1 of the 3 roosters I let out.
I spent the rest of the day pissed off and sitting out there, and not a darn thing.
My question is:
Is it a possibility that a bobcat would kill over and over and never come back to eat?