Possible breeding program



Nov 7, 2022
I am starting a breeding project for a sustainable dual purpose breed that thrives on forage, goes broody and raises its own chicks, etc. In this area, it will need to be both cold and heat hardy and able to withstand some predator pressure.

The breeds I chose were Bielefelder (roo), Jersey Giant, Mottled Java, Black Australorp, and Rhode Island Red. Because of problems I ended up with a Bielefelder pullet, three Jersey Giants, one Mottled Java. The BA'S and RIR's are still babies.

Anyway, one of the JJ's ended up being a roo, and I got an adult Biel roo from another source. So I have enough for two population groups with the breeds I selected.

I want to keep the two groups separate, unrelated for the first few generations, but I'm concerned as to what to do with the Jersey Giants.

If I leave the Jersey Giant pullets with the Bielefelder roo, the population will be heavily weighted toward JJ in the selection phase (3rd gen) and I really don't want that.

1st possibility, get rid of the JJ roo and have the Bielefelder be the foundation. Stick with one group for now.

2nd, get rid of the JJ roo and get a roo from another breed for the breakout group. Dominique and Orpington have both been suggested.

3rd, create a third population and move selection back another generation.

All viable solutions, but they all have their problems as well.

Are there other options that I haven't thought of? Solutions or problems?

The current plan is
B x MJ and JJ
JJ x BA and RR

The next generation roo for the rotation to group 2 would have to be B x MJ to avoid the weighting toward JJ for one more generation.
Hello! I don’t really know much about breeding or genetics, but I decided to watch this thread so I could learn and stay updated through your journey!

Red junglefowl are basically wild chickens, and most people believe modern chickens descended from these birds. Knowing that, I’m wondering, how would you get red junglefowl? Do people own them legally?
Hello! I don’t really know much about breeding or genetics, but I decided to watch this thread so I could learn and stay updated through your journey!

Red junglefowl are basically wild chickens, and most people believe modern chickens descended from these birds. Knowing that, I’m wondering, how would you get red junglefowl? Do people own them legally?
Yeah, As far As I know, you don't need a permit or anything to have them.
I can only speak to the Jersey Giants. Are you working from hatchery or breeder stock? If from good breeder stock, expect slow growth. Certain lines mature faster than others, but in my personal experience growing those birds out, they mature quickly but don't get as large.

Mine are excellent foragers and free range well. In my area, the adult Giants don't attract birds of prey. We don't have much else for daytime predators - occasionally a stray dog wanders through but my dogs are good about deterring them. I lock the flock in a secure coop at night. I've had one hen go broody and be dedicated to it, but she is bad about breaking eggs due to her size.
Breeder, or at least he said the birds come from their own populations.

The JJ roo is the same size as the Biel roo at 25 weeks. I don't know if that's fast growth or not. They're all quite large enough to deter some predators.

I have seen hawks overhead, but they seem to drift by, look, and fly away. Cats walk wide around them.

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