Potential eye infection?


May 18, 2023
Hi all,

I searched around to see if this has already been discussed but I didn't find any descriptions that appeared similar.

I have one quail that seems to have some sort of eye infection. There is a bubbly, clear discharge from her eye and a significant amount of dirt that has accumulated around here eye. I tried to get a good picture (below).

From what I can tell, her eye itself looks normal, but she's absolutely uncomfortable as she's pecking at the others and is not as social as she normally is.

I keep my 7 hens in a ground aviary, in case that helps!

Any help would be appreciated!


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Identifying a causative organism is very different from diagnosing a symptom, very few symptoms automatically imply a certain organism: diarrhea can be caused by many factors and doesn’t always mean coccidiosis. It could be mycoplasma and then again it could be something else. The symptom is ‘bubbles in the eye’ which usually means an infected nasolacrimal duct (the tear drainage tube connecting the eye to the sinuses) which may be associated with either respiratory or eye pathogens, of which mycoplasma is one. In such cases the patient is treated for both the underlying symptoms and also for the most likely causative agents. The response is observed and therapy is adjusted accordingly as is the working diagnosis. You could try a topical eye ointment (terramicin etc) 4 times daily which in theory will drain into the tear duct and treat the infection or try an oral antibiotic to treat it systemically. If you notice swellings/growths or the bird has chronic issues or it is very resistant to treatment mycoplasma gets higher on the list.

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