Poult has trouble walking


May 22, 2020
Does anyone have any idea why this poult has begun walking bowlegged? It did not start this until it was about a month old. Balance is terrible. All its life it's had these dark purple, extended veins inside its legs (photo). Diet is gamebird starter and forage. (History, this baby has been a walking health disaster: been to the vet for prolapse, also has a droop wing. I don't think it's a BB, we did buy one of those at the same time and that one was beautiful, healthy, active, perfect, no problems, then just dead one morning. So, hats off to whoever holds the Atwoods hatch contract this year. We're not impressed.)


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Looks like perosis, or slipped tendon. You can try vitamins. I'd check to see how old your ration is.
I have one doing this same thing it was fine as a couple day old poult it started walking funny sitting on haunches at 2 weeks. I separated it away from others and started giving poultry cell it cleared up started walking and running and sitting fine. A little bow legged but actually 98% better. Move forward 5 weeks later or so moved it out with the rest that just had water after a week this one has the dark veins and walking bow legged kinda sliding around. I’ve added poultry cell to the water for all 3 days ago it’s still walking like yours.

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