Poultry leg bands


Mar 28, 2020
So I wanted to ask if you guys thought Poultry leg bands were OK for using on ducks.

They seem neat, and also cheap. I like it so far. And its helping a lot especially because 5 of my ducks look so much alike that I have to really put every effort to tell them apart.

But I had some worries over if the poultry leg bands in the stores (Cal Ranch, TS etc) can be OK for larger ducks legs like muscovy or peking, because these larger ducks do have thicker legs. It looks like its cutting it close on the pekings, which have thicker legs especially. (I don't know about muscovy but just cited them because they are said to be larger).

I thought I'd check if anyone has had any issues with these?

(Although even if they had pekings are super freaking hard to tell apart...not sure if it would have made a difference...since I'm dead in the water if I can't even identify my own birds.)
I know @WannaBeHillBilly tried them and if I remember correctly he was not impressed
I tried a lot of poultry bands with my Spring Ducklings last year. They are all quite ok, but they all have one principal disadvantage: While you are holding a flageling, screaming duckling with one hand you need your second and third hand to open that leg band and place it around the ducklings leg…
Sadly i was born with just two arms, so i don't have a third hand and failed to apply most of those leg bands, with the exception of those:

Simple cable ties, just don't pull them too tight!

I've tried these and they require three hands:

I had even worse ones that clicked together, sorry no picture, that would need 3-4 hands to attach and 4-6 hands to remove them when the duckling outgrew them.
I tried a lot of poultry bands with my Spring Ducklings last year. They are all quite ok, but they all have one principal disadvantage: While you are holding a flageling, screaming duckling with one hand you need your second and third hand to open that leg band and place it around the ducklings leg…
Sadly i was born with just two arms, so i don't have a third hand and failed to apply most of those leg bands, with the exception of those:

Simple cable ties, just don't pull them too tight!

I've tried these and they require three hands:

I had even worse ones that clicked together, sorry no picture, that would need 3-4 hands to attach and 4-6 hands to remove them when the duckling outgrew them.
I remember when you were going through this and I "almost" considered them until I saw how it was for you. Thanks for being the one to try it first!
I remember when you were going through this and I "almost" considered them until I saw how it was for you. Thanks for being the one to try it first!

I totally agree that it would be more trouble than its worth...

Except Pekings are extremely difficult to tell apart.

Unless there's another method instead of leg bands?
I too have been wounder about leg bands and trying to weight the Pros and Cons. So far I don't see any problems with using the smallest 4" plastic zip tie you can find....... As long as you don't get it to tight. IMO. unless you have a really super tame Duck, it's a two person job to help assure you don't risk hurting them if they try to make an unexpected exit on you.
I just hatched out 9 runners and I can't tell 6 of them apart right now either. I'm hoping as they grow they will start looking different.

Wow so cool. Hope you post pics.

Will runners be easier to tell gender than pekings when they are big?

Also, is there a reason the fawn and white runners tent to look more tall and tippy than the other types of runners?

I'm so curious about what you have to say about them.

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