Prairie Blue Bell pullet or cockerel?


Jul 4, 2023
Pahrump, NV
16 weeks old. Was sold as straight run. I see no comb development yet and have heard no crowing but I suspect cockerel. I currently have too many cockerels and we are working to pare them down quickly.

Photos include the blue Prairie Bluebell Egger from TSC and same age Starlight Green Egger bought at the same time.

It appears to have a sickle feather but I don’t notice any other male feathering. What do you think?
I can see why you're concerned with that tail but I'm leaning toward pullet. Sickle feathers usually develop much later in cockerels so this may just be some crazy feather growth.

She has small legs, a small comb, and no obvious pointy feather shapes. Just a crazy feather!
You should share the egg color when you get one! I've been curious about the prairie bluebells.
I will! Right now my egg colors are white, tan, and brown with one teal Easter Egger egg. The newbies just about to start laying:
2 Starlight Green Eggers (pretty, light green?)
1 Prairie Bluebell Egger (sky blue?)
2 Black Copper Marans (dark brown)
2 Buff Brahmas (light brown?)
5 White Laced Red Cornish (brown egg?)

I'll have to compare my EE eggs to the PBBE once they start laying consistently. I'm pretty sure they will look very similar.

I have what I believe to be a Black Copper Marans x Deathlayer rooster. I plan to hatch out some colorful eggs next spring or summer to see what those ladies lay. I don't yet know if my rooster passes on white or dark brown egg color. I shall find out next year.

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