Predator season


7 Years
May 30, 2017
So burned out on winter already. Chicken roster at the end of December was 47... Roster for end weeks of January ( two days ago) counts 49. I've narrowed down two individual predators to Raccoon and Bobcat. Why can they not take roosters of which I am way overroostered at 9 adult roosters and at least 4 future roos currently cockerels for a grand total of 41 chickens. I hate to lose my flock but the predators have to survive also. I don't begrudge them a meal especially in the spring when most predators are feeding baby pre-predators 😂 but seriously I would leave cat food out for the coons and whatever for the bobcat in my dreams. They are not amenable to negotiations currently. Oh for the day when we all live in harmony, my animal neighbors and I. Pssht, yeah right.
Chicken roster at the end of December was 47... Roster for end weeks of January ( two days ago) counts 49.
I'm puzzled. You had 47 roos in December. Predators hit you and a month later your rooster roster was 49. Did the predators snag a couple of your neighbors' roos and deliver them to you? 🤔

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