Processing Bresse chicken & found this


In the Brooder
Nov 8, 2023
We were processing Bresse Rooster, Age almost 6 months old. After 45-60 second dunk in 150 degree water, during plucking we saw this. Is it was fat from feather cuticles? Or worms? Thank you
I've never seen feather cuticles look quite like that before. Can you pull them out and examine them closer? do they feel like. I lean closer to worms, but I've also never seen them coming out of the skin like that.
I've never seen anything like this. What does the flesh look like opposite of where there are coming out? It does look like maggots, but very weird for them to be clinging to healthy flesh. I guess it could be some odd feather follicle disease or issue. I second the idea of pulling them free and examining them more closely.

I see you new here. Welcome!
I think it's fat/oil from the feather pore. I see similar when plucking the odd hair, and if you pluck some (I think older blood feathers, I haven't paid much attention when I do it) feathers and squeeze the shaft near the bottom, similar stuff oozes out

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