Prolapse blowout


Jul 3, 2024
My chicken had a prolapsed oviduct with an egg stuck. We soaked her in epsom salt, tried to gently massage it. Egg was pushing out a sack next to the vent opening. We soaked again then tried to massage egg out of sack and thru vent opening. But she kept pushing and it ripped the sack. Egg was released and prolapse is diminishing, but does the tear mean euthanasia?
We don’t take any pictures. The egg came out the sack instead of out the opening. Were assuming that may not heal. For now we have her in a dark room and are monitoring her. She’s eating and drinking and has pooped some. She seems fine now. Her vent is still a bit swollen but all has gone back up inside. We assume from all we’ve read when she tries to lay again she’ll most likely have the same issues. We’ll be talking to a vet next week. Until then we’ll monitor and take steps as needed.
Is there anything visible outside of her vent? Is she pooping? I might soak her in warm Epsom salts or slightly soapy water once a day. If any prolapse tissue is visible, keep it moist with ointment or honey. How often does she lay? Did the egg she passed have a shell? It is true that it could happen again, but it might not. It is worth trying to get her through this. Human calcium with vitamin D can help with muscle tone and passing an egg.
Thank you. It was I believe her first egg. It had a hard shell. Soaking her in epsom salts daily. She’s been pooping a little since it happened. Have her in a dark room, keeping an eye on her. Hoping the darkness will prolong the next egg to give her time to hopefully heal. I’ll give her calcium and vitamins too

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