Protein levels and chick growth

Susan Skylark

Apr 9, 2024
Midwestern US
My original chicks I fed a 30 percent protein game bird starter and was astonished at their growth rate (some began laying at 5 weeks!). My current (unplanned) batch of four chicks is getting ground up layer feed (21 percent protein) as I didn’t think it worthwhile to drive 50 miles and buy 50 pounds of starter for 4 chicks. I haven’t been disappointed at all with it so far, they aren’t growing as fast but at two weeks they are feathered except their heads. I know the calcium is high and the protein a little low but overall I’m not noticing any issues. I’ve been switching to layer feed at 5 weeks as well so they were only on starter for a month anyway. Anybody have varied experience with protein level and growth rate or other parameters? We don’t raise them for meat, though we eat the extras, so muscle mass and frame size isn’t a big issue for us. These at pets that lay eggs! Just curious on others’ experience.
If you find success in doing it, I'm not one who knows enough to say that's not a great idea.

My own personal feelings would be in not wanting my silkies to grow faster like they do with meat birds. I think there's something they would be lacking if they their bodies were developing faster than they normally should be.

That said, I might just get a bag of that game bird starter for when these girls molt. I bet that would help!

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