Psycho chicks?

Susan Skylark

Apr 9, 2024
Midwestern US
I have 4 ten day old chicks that just go nuts at the slightest provocation. This is our third hatch, our first two my son pretty much lived in the brooder (very difficult to fold oneself inside a plastic tote!) and this bunch lives in his room and is now out in the dining room where there is plenty of traffic but they are still crazy. They are even out of some of our chillest birds. I know quail don’t tame down much but these guys are nuts! I guess we’ll just have to move him into the brooder permanently so he can be our chick whisperer!
I have 4 ten day old chicks that just go nuts at the slightest provocation. This is our third hatch, our first two my son pretty much lived in the brooder (very difficult to fold oneself inside a plastic tote!) and this bunch lives in his room and is now out in the dining room where there is plenty of traffic but they are still crazy. They are even out of some of our chillest birds. I know quail don’t tame down much but these guys are nuts! I guess we’ll just have to move him into the brooder permanently so he can be our chick whisperer!

What type of quail are they?
It is interesting to see the different temperments, some of it is genetics I think and some of it is how you rear them. But I had a batch that hatched with 3/4 of them basically going bonkers the moment a hand gets near them, just running and acting like they were going to die :wee

I guess some have more "wild" instincts?
Sorry, the title was intentionally tongue in cheek😉. My son needed chick pictures for a school project and e-mail was the best option, it is so much fun sending something titled ‘cute chicks’ to an embarrassed 12 year old, the contents being day old coturnix quail pictures! We moved our bonkers babies into the cute hutch in the garage, this adorable tiny rabbit hutch thing I initially bought to house adult quail only to realize it is about 2.5 square feet and not all that weather resistant. It works fine for teenage quail though and strangely the birds are much calmer in their new pad?! Quail! I guess they decided I won’t eat them (yet!) but also happily they can’t eat me (the only 2 thoughts in a quail’s head).
Sorry, the title was intentionally tongue in cheek😉. My son needed chick pictures for a school project and e-mail was the best option, it is so much fun sending something titled ‘cute chicks’ to an embarrassed 12 year old, the contents being day old coturnix quail pictures! We moved our bonkers babies into the cute hutch in the garage, this adorable tiny rabbit hutch thing I initially bought to house adult quail only to realize it is about 2.5 square feet and not all that weather resistant. It works fine for teenage quail though and strangely the birds are much calmer in their new pad?! Quail! I guess they decided I won’t eat them (yet!) but also happily they can’t eat me (the only 2 thoughts in a quail’s head).
I understand completely. I'm planning to order some day old chicken for next year and can reliably get a rise out of my sisters-in-law by mentioning that I'm going to "order chicks online." For some reason, they don't find it amusing...

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