Florence, huddles like this or lower to the ground. Tail drooping, looks uncomfortable. Did eat when food was offered.
This is one of our less friendly hens and she has definitely had the spunk taken out of her! She is walking slow and looking sad when she bothers to walk. This just began this evening. While everyone else foraged she just squatted or stood like this, only walking around if disturbed. Florence did go ahead and go into the coop for the night with everyone else.
She is a 21 week old pullet and has not laid an egg yet. She has been exhibiting the prelaying behaviors for a week or a little longer. In April we got her and 7 other chicks freshly hatched and have not had issues. 2 of her sisters have begun to lay in the past week with no troubles. They were good girls and got in the nest box to lay!
We have never had chickens until we got these. Maybe this is normal for a chicken who has not laid and is getting ready to?? The other 2 did not act like this. If anyone can give me ideas about why she looks so uncomfortable and what to do about it I'd appreciate it!! They are RIR/Delaware cross sex links.
Thank you!
This is Florence's normal healthy sister for comparison. Normally Florence looks like this.