So... for the second year in a row I picked up Aquila chicks (they are fantastic layers and so friendly!!). And for the second year in a row, they have me questioning whether I got hens or roosters. Last year, they both turned out to be hens. This year I am not so sure.
Please meet Benedict, and his/her sisters, Scrambled and Omelette (the two black ones in the last picture). They are all 12 weeks old. Benedict has a HUGE comb and waddles, rust color across the back and both wings, thick legs, pointy hackle feathers and is BULLIED by all of the other 9 pullets it has grown up with. Last year I had an Aquila that also had the same features, minus the rust color and pointy feathers, but she turned out to be just that... a her/hen. No crowing from Benedict yet, but was wondering if anyone might have an educated guess. I added a picture of my 1 year old Aquila Hen Midnight for comparison.
Additional random question. In the 1st (B1) pic, there is a little Ameracauna, also 11 weeks old (the cream colored one in lower left). For some reason it does not have tail feathers, or continually tucks them under her bum. Any ideas why the lack of tail feathers and why she is so small compared to all of the pullets her same age??? She eats well, holds her own, especially with Benedict, and is so darn cute!
Thanks in advance!!
Please meet Benedict, and his/her sisters, Scrambled and Omelette (the two black ones in the last picture). They are all 12 weeks old. Benedict has a HUGE comb and waddles, rust color across the back and both wings, thick legs, pointy hackle feathers and is BULLIED by all of the other 9 pullets it has grown up with. Last year I had an Aquila that also had the same features, minus the rust color and pointy feathers, but she turned out to be just that... a her/hen. No crowing from Benedict yet, but was wondering if anyone might have an educated guess. I added a picture of my 1 year old Aquila Hen Midnight for comparison.
Additional random question. In the 1st (B1) pic, there is a little Ameracauna, also 11 weeks old (the cream colored one in lower left). For some reason it does not have tail feathers, or continually tucks them under her bum. Any ideas why the lack of tail feathers and why she is so small compared to all of the pullets her same age??? She eats well, holds her own, especially with Benedict, and is so darn cute!
Thanks in advance!!
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