Pullet or Roo


In the Brooder
Jul 11, 2018
What do you guys think the sex of the birds pictured below?

I am pretty sure my only pullet is the first photo. I’m really hoping to have at least one more.

I have several roosters & unfortunately I can’t keep them, but have found a sanctuary to take them in, and they are headed there today.

None of my silkies are crowing but I’m pretty sure the first is a pullet, really hoping the second is too, the last two I think are Roos.
I contacted the hatchery, they said their ladies do have small wattles and crests. So I dont want to send a pullet there by accident.

What do you think?
4E70F9CD-15D9-4AA1-A08F-589CF96DF4FA.jpeg 47EA85CA-61D8-423F-9427-953EEF5E6BFF.jpeg 3FE3DC26-CFD0-470C-863E-C91E657B5A27.jpeg B32B9461-29B8-48F8-8D15-A32CFFF725E4.jpeg They are 3 months old
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