Pullet with dislocated leg


5 Years
Oct 2, 2014
Ottawa, On
I don't know how but one of my pullets managed to dislocate her leg between yesterdays and now. She's still walking around on it (kinda freaks me out a bit ). I'd like to put it back but I'm afraid I'd break a bone, is there a specific way to do it?

Sorry for the bad picture.



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Ok I've done this before soo here are the steps
1 put some antibiotic cream
2 make a brace for the leg with a popsickle sticks
3 bandage it up
4 use hard hospital bandage
Oh and straight the leg
And the leg might fall of sadly but she will be able to walk hope this helps if it gets worse vets

The chicken should be seen by a vet.

A Vet will use an x-ray to make sure the bone is put back into the socket.

You need to isolate her, so she doesn't injure the leg more.

Do you know which bone is dislocated? A chicken has three joints on the leg, before the ankle. It looks like the joint at the metatarsus and the tibia. But, it's hard to tell from a photo.

Are you even sure it's a dislocation and not a break? Wow, this is a tough one...

Chicken bone anatomy.jpg

Here is a video that may help you better, if you can't take her to a Vet.

God Bless, I hope this is useful. :confused:
I don't know how but one of my pullets managed to dislocate her leg between yesterdays and now. She's still walking around on it (kinda freaks me out a bit ). I'd like to put it back but I'm afraid I'd break a bone, is there a specific way to do it?

Sorry for the bad picture.


Sorry this happened part of the life of a chicken keeper though...

There are tendons that hold that joint together... If they are snapped... there is no fixing it.... Taking it to the vet is the only option.

He may recommend amputation.

WRT legs falling off... If you put the bandage on incorrectly you can cut off the circulation to the leg Gangreen is what causes the leg to fall off.

They get along quite well with one leg by the way....


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