Pullet with Saggy Crop


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2024
Hello, Please help with my 18 week old Easter Egger who has a saggy crop.

She is one of 8 EEs we got in April and are the first chickens we’ve ever had; I’ve never experienced this before.

Im not sure how distinguishable it is from the picture but I noticed the crop hanging down and looking saggy this afternoon. Definitely was not there this morning.

She is acting completely normally and scratching around the run looking for bugs as she usually does. I have seen her eat feed and drink water, but havent seen her poo yet. Her crop is squishy feeling and it feels gritty/ grainy when I massage it. (I can’t tell if it’s there grit or food that I’m feeling)

Their coop and covered/enclosed run is pine shavings. They have 24/7 access to clean water/ food in the coop. We started getting a couple eggs a day (small ones) three days ago; however I can’t be certain she is one of the ones laying because I haven’t been able to catch any of them in the act. She has always been our largest chicken/ her comb is the biggest and turned red first.

Please any advice on what you think this is and how best to treat it is appreciated. I have googled and found things but not sure how to tell the difference between sour crop/ impacted crop and being egg bound and not clear if that’s something that could be happening to her at such a young age.

I can’t thank you enough for your help!

Sincerely, Concerned new chicken mom
Crops drop lower and expand towards the afternoon/evening as it fills up. That is why you didn’t notice it in the morning and are only noticing it now.
Crops drop lower and expand towards the afternoon/evening as it fills up. That is why you didn’t notice it in the morning and are only noticing it now.
Thanks so much for your quick response, I just panicked because I’ve never noticed anything like this before and I usually am out with them this time of day everyday. None of the other chickens seem to have this going on. Do you think I have reason for concern? Is there anything I should be watching out for?
Thanks so much for your quick response, I just panicked because I’ve never noticed anything like this before and I usually am out with them this time of day everyday. None of the other chickens seem to have this going on. Do you think I have reason for concern? Is there anything I should be watching out for?
Nope. They all fill at different rates. I just took this picture of my speckled Sussex and welsummer. You can see the Sussex’s crop is low and full. My welsummers doesn’t look nearly as big or low.

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