Pullets chasing cockerels?


May 28, 2024
We always hear stories about young cockerels harassing pullets but what about pullets harassing cockerels?
In one of our coops we have 2 cockerels and 6 pullets. They are all 4 months old. I noticed that the pullets chase the cockerels away and peck them. Sometimes the cockerels will face them but the pullets always win. The cockerels would like to mate with them but the pullets refuse. Every time I hear squabbles coming from the coop, I go and look…it’s always the pullets chasing the cockerels! Why? I just find it so strange because usually the roosters are the ones chasing the hens to mate with them and the hens are scared/submissive.
I have 11 pullets and 1 cockerel- a few different breeds. They're a little over 6 months old and the cockerel has been succesfully mating for a couple weeks now. However, if he even looks funny at 2 of my Barred Rock pullets, they go after him. He runs from them even though he's bigger. It's actually pretty funny (none of them are injured).

I think it's what's making him behave well. They're basically keeping him in check and he's been a good little gentleman.

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