Pullets or cockerels? And breed identifying. Thanks!


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2024
I am a first time chicken owner. I recently got x7 day-ish old chicks sexed as hens from Orchard Ridge Farm in Gorham, Maine. I am not positive where they source them from, but it is a local hatchery in the north east. My order *should* have included the following, but I am not so certain that I received exactly what I ordered. I put my guess as to who is who in the image, but I am interested in seeing others opinions as I am literally just trying to tell by googling images. The chickens are about 6 weeks old. I tried to provide some pictures that might help others establish if they are pullets or cockerels as well. Thanks very much!

Olive Egger (Theresa?) or blue rock?
Lavender Orpington (Linda?) pretty sure about this one
Golden Comet (Lisa?)
Buff Orpington (Sandy?) pretty sure about this one
Buckeye (Sue?) not sure here because none are really brown?
Blue Rock (Karen?)
Black Copper Maran (Judy?) pretty sure about this one, even has the feathers on feet


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Theresa is a barred rock
Sue is not a buckeye.
Sandy is a Buff orp
Lisa is not a comet, probably an ee.
Lavender orp is correct
Karen is not a blue rock. Not sure what though.
Theresa is a barred rock
I was trying to decide whether Theresa has small muff/beard on the face. That would be wrong for a Barred Rock but could be found in some Olive Eggers.

Sue is not a buckeye.
Sandy is a Buff orp
Lisa is not a comet, probably an ee.
Lavender orp is correct
Karen is not a blue rock. Not sure what though.
I agree. I wonder if Karen might be an Easter Egger, just because so many otherwise-puzzling chicks are Easter Eggers. but I don't know for sure.

I can't decide if Judy is a Black Copper Maran, or if Sandy has something else going on color-wise.

Sue might be a Black Australorp.
Looking at what you were supposed to get, I feel pretty confident that:
Lavender Orpington: Linda
Buff Orpington: Sandy

slightly less confident:
Black Copper Maran: Judy*
Judy could also be the olive egger--they often get those by crossing a blue layer with Marans, since the dark brown Marans egg gives a deeper olive egg color. OEs often look Marans-y.

If not Judy, the olive egger could be any of the chickens left. Lisa is definitely an easter egger or olive egger of some sort (muffs/green legs are a giveaway), but Karen looks like an EE to me, too. I immediately thought Barred Rock for Theresa, but she could be an EE/OE.

I do not think you got the following:
Golden Comet
Blue Rock (unless, Sue, see below)

Does Sue have any blueish-gray to her? It's possible she's a very dark blue, and I suppose could be the Blue Rock. Otherwise NatJ's suggestion of Black Australorp is possible.
Thanks all!! Anybody have any thoughts on hen/rooster? I am getting quite a bit of sad feedback on other forums that I might have several roosters :(
Thanks all!! Anybody have any thoughts on hen/rooster? I am getting quite a bit of sad feedback on other forums that I might have several roosters :(
It's early, and when you have different breeds mixed together you don't want to judge them against each other when trying to determining sex. Orpingtons, for example, will likely get bigger combs than the EEs regardless of sex.
I'm not familiar enough with any of these breeds to feel comfortable guessing.
I posted in a few groups, a handful of people think Judy, Linda, and Sue might be roosters. About 50/50. Pretty much everybody agrees that Sandy, Theresa, and Lisa are hens. However a good majority of people seem to think Karen is a rooster.

And here is what the vote seems to be for breed.

lindalavender orpington
sandybuff orpington
judyblack copper maran
theresabarred rock
kareneaster egger
lisaeaster egger
sueblack australorp

Thanks everybody for all of the insight!
I posted in a few groups, a handful of people think Judy, Linda, and Sue might be roosters. About 50/50. Pretty much everybody agrees that Sandy, Theresa, and Lisa are hens. However a good majority of people seem to think Karen is a rooster
The only one that for sure looks to be a cockerel is Linda.

Judy does have some pretty big wattles but at 6 weeks I would expect more comb development and more pink showing up so I would say a maybe for her. Sue is also a maybe. The development is kinda in the middle but I would lean pullet. If you could update in a week or two that would be great. As for Karen, I don’t see any that says cockerel but a couple more pictures would be helpful

Weird question but what color are the bottom of Sue’s feet?

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