This weekend we built a new coop and put our 11week old pullets outdoors full time. We currently have 5 other laying pullets and have been integrating the 4 new ones for weeks, But up until this weekend we had been bringing the younger ones into the garage at night because the old coop was just too small for everyone. This new coop is spacious and perfect and everyone seems happy with the new house. Only problem is the 4 younger ones spend nearly the ENTIRE day inside. I get it, it's spacious and safe and the big girls don't really harass them much In there. Yesterday I got worried they weren't eating or drinking enough so I put some dishes of water and feed at the bottom of the entrance ramp. They do run out to grab something to eat or drink but usually run back in. They're probably tired of being chased and pecked by the older girls, but also im wondering if this is normal behavior? I really don't want to put any feed or water inside the coop and im hoping keeping it outside will help encourage them to come out more, but do I need to worry about them starving or getting dehydrated?