Pure Black Orpington?


Apr 6, 2020
Hi all! I have three two week old Orpington chicks, I noticed they have pinky yellow splotches on their legs and beaks mixed with black. They are supposed to be bbs orps - black roo and bbs hens. Can anyone tell me if they will turn black in time? Thanks!!


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Hi all! I have three two week old Orpington chicks, I noticed they have pinky yellow splotches on their legs and beaks mixed with black. They are supposed to be bbs orps - black roo and bbs hens. Can anyone tell me if they will turn black in time? Thanks!!View attachment 2347315
Yes. They will. I have three Black: Lavender Split Orpingtons which are all pullets that are now 20-21 weeks old. DOB is May 18 or 19th I believe and I can show you some pics I took of them on arrival while we removed legbands and then of them a few weeks later as they were becoming a little more mature and getting some of their feathers in and while still in the brooder yet but had learned to roost and perch. Seen what I mean about them being flock guardians and always worried about being separated from their sisters more than anything beyond food or other activities etc. they have a cow when separated from the flock. They do not like it one bit.
Yes. They will. I have three Black: Lavender Split Orpingtons which are all pullets that are now 20-21 weeks old. DOB is May 18 or 19th I believe and I can show you some pics I took of them on arrival while we removed legbands and then of them a few weeks later as they were becoming a little more mature and getting some of their feathers in and while still in the brooder yet but had learned to roost and perch. Seen what I mean about them being flock guardians and always worried about being separated from their sisters more than anything beyond food or other activities etc. they have a cow when separated from the flock. They do not like it one bit. They also are solid black with a beautiful green sheen to their feathers than really enhances them. They are gorgeous birds and some tiny white spots on their chest but very tiny. Their legs and feet, beak, ears, and eyes are all black. The toenails are very long on my Orpingtons and grow much faster in them versus my other girls. That’s a personal observation from one who had a hand opened by one recently. So be warned. In the box pics I just had them sunning in this it was not my brooder box. I just had them in it temporarily for a few minutes while I cleaned their brooder pen inside my house. I was using a huge dog kennel at the time for a brooder pen which worked well.
Forgot to attach the pics. Sorry. Here they are!


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Thanks for this! My first time having orpingtons, I hear they are nice and docile and make good backyard pets hopefully!
Mine are nice. Interact with them daily. They like food. They get bullied easily and can be flighty when too shy. They will get sprains easily and need boosts if your roost bars are too high or if you have them setup for the preferences of other breeds. They also don’t see well at all after dark. My three also are always the last ones to go into the coop at night. They sleep standing up and I think they are the lower ones in the pecking order for whatever reason but they never bully the other girls but they do like the food and used to be food hogs when they were younger. They are never mean to their sisters though and they watch over the flock I know.
I have one silver laced Orpington and she is just the sweetest. She is not overly friendly though she is very chill. She will come sit in my lap for a moment to get a couple of scratches and pats and then leave again to go about her business. Doesn’t seem to get involved in chicken politics. The other pullets her age like to snuggle up under her feathers at night and she seems to enjoy this as well.😊

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