Putting the chickens outside?


Oct 19, 2024
Royal Oak, Michigan
My family is just starting with chickens. They are now about 4.5 weeks old, and we live in Michigan.

1. When is a good point to put them outside?
2. Is it safe to feed them corn and other veggies and fruits?
3. When is good to give them noodles and beans?
4. What is in a good seed mix for foraging?
5. Are pellets a common staple from birth to death (with the other stuff added)?

Thank you in advance for your help

Lady Guinevere
I Feed special treats (including wild bird seed) only once a week to make sure they eat the proper diet of pellets. Otherwise, they won't eat the nutritious pellets and eat only junk food. I put mine out at 6 weeks of age.
Depending on your temps, they can start being transitioned to outside now. At the very least they should be able to spend days outside. Just make sure your coop and run are secure
They can eat fruits and vegetables as long as they have grit, any extras should be less than 10% of their diet though. I wouldn't feed noodles terribly often as they are rich in carbs and if you give them beans, they must be cooked. Your typical 5 grain scratch is fine if you do give them scratch, however , they don't really need it. Scratch is basically chicken candy so it should be regarded as a treat. They should mainly be eating their feed, especially since they're still growing
1. Depending on temperatures and whether you have them weaned off heat, "now" could be fine, or if your temperatures are lower and they have not been weaned off heat, start that process and they can go out in a week or two more.

2. That's fine but I would moderate the amount. I personally don't see a need to buy things like veggies for them but they're welcome to some kitchen scraps or garden trimmings.

3. Noodles likely aren't terribly nutritious. Beans, keep in mind some dried beans are toxic unless cooked.

5. Yes, if that's the form of feed you opt to use.

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