Python powder for mites in winter??


Jun 20, 2019
Hi all! First time having mites in our flock!!
We use DE in our coop shavings and I usually put it (with wood ash) in our dust baths BUT, we are in Maine and the ground (“dust”) is basically frozen and too hard! I need to treat the whole flock and clean out the coop. I don’t know what type of mites they are but I want to treat aggressively, as one hen was infested and died (the other hens show no signs but upon close inspection mites were found on some!) I would love to douse them with Elector PSP…but wet hens in the winter won’t work. This weekend I’m doing a deep clean and spraying the coop and run down with Permethrin. Would do hens too…but…wet=cold!!! Not knowing what else to do, I’ve purchased PYTHON POWDER and would love some input on it. Is there egg withdrawal? Do I need to treat daily and if so 5 days…7 days?? Is it effective and safe? Should I forgo the python powder and just use permethrin spray and dry them with a blow dryer (I have 15 hens)???
Please feel free to ask me any questions that will help with advice…all expert guidance is appreciated!!! TYIA!!!!
I usually don't have to deal with cold, but I understand your concern. If warm, I dunk em in a bucket of diluted permethrin, then pour bucket in sprayer and clean, spray coop. If it's colder, or im lazier, I mix permethrin, put in a spray bottle and spray each bird, back of neck, under wings, around vent . Make sure you spray next to skin, not just on feathers. Then spray coop, use the powder in nest boxes any it can be used on birds.
If you are in the USA, best to use permethrin dust or spray, not that product, not approved for use on poultry. Cattle, yes, not poultry.
Hi Mary, I agree with you. I actually returned it today bc I was concerned about this. We do have permethrin spray…will douse everything, inc the girls, this weekend. Fingers crossed for temps WELL above freezing so they can stay warm while drying!!!!
I usually don't have to deal with cold, but I understand your concern. If warm, I dunk em in a bucket of diluted permethrin, then pour bucket in sprayer and clean, spray coop. If it's colder, or im lazier, I mix permethrin, put in a spray bottle and spray each bird, back of neck, under wings, around vent . Make sure you spray next to skin, not just on feathers. Then spray coop, use the powder in nest boxes any it can be used on birds.
Thank you for your reply!! The cold is definitely my biggest concern but I’m going to need to douse them with permethrin. The mites pose a bigger threat right now than the cold…and I’ll blow dry them if need be!! 💪 🤣
Thank you for your reply!! The cold is definitely my biggest concern but I’m going to need to douse them with permethrin. The mites pose a bigger threat right now than the cold…and I’ll blow dry them if need be!! 💪 🤣
mix permethrin, put in a spray bottle and spray each bird, 2 squirts on back of neck, under wings, around vent . Make sure you spray next to skin, not just on feathers. Then dust
I used permethrin dust with a nasal bulb aspirator on my girls about ten days ago. Worked miracles! I just poofed their butts and under their neck feathers and the mites were dead the next morning. I’ll do another poof tonight to make sure the one that hatched in the meantime are killed too. It’s been too cold to use the elector PSP here too.

wondering if anyone can suggest a brand for the permethrin powder? this is my first spring with chickens (all under 1 year old) and they've been digging like crazy the last few days. not sure if this is normal spring behavior or if i should start worrying about mites. thanks.

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