Quail coop ideas


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2024
So I finally inserted my quail coop into its frame I built this past weekend. I am now looking for some great ideas on how to efficiently provide food & water for them for atleast two weeks or so I was thinking maybe gravity feed water from rain gutters into 1” pipe with the nipple water feed attachment.

As far as for the food I’m not really sure on how to go about it I was thinking of maybe doing something like a 4” pipe but not sure. anyone have any good ideas?

The reason for this is I’ll be away for about two weeks this summer and my mother in law will be watching over the garden, quail & dog. I want to make things as easy as possible for her as she’s not very inclined in homesteading.


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For the water is there any way you can take Tubing like this attach it to a 5 gallon bucket (or multiple) with something like this Adapter then run the said tubing to Water cups like theses held on the wire of the cage? Depending on how many quail you have 5 gallons should last a whole your mom may need to fill it up once or twice. This would act kinda like a gravity waterer if it works how I’m thinking it will.

For the feeder maybe take a long PVC pipe as like the food storage area then take a PVC elbow then another PVC as long as you want cut holes in that big enough for the quail to eat out of then attach it to the setup.

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