I just got home from a friends house. She recently hatched out some coturnix chicks and I am going to get a few so I can switch out with my new coturnix for the bloodlines. She was showing me the eggs she hatched out. There were a few hundred eggs she got for someone she knows cause she has the incubator and loves hatching for people. The eggs I just hatched out were all cream colored with varying levels of brown spots. My eggs were sold to me as Tuxedo Coturnix. Many of the eggs she had were completely white or almost blue. She said the eggs were Jumbo Brown and Texas. I'm fairly new to these birds but do certtain colors lay differnt eggs?? That sounds stupid me even saying cause I doubt the feater colord of the same breed has anything to do with it so I guess the better question is Why? Why did she have the three different colors of eggs in the incubator. She didn't know when I asked but I would love to know if anyone knows???