Quail laying egg inside egg


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2024
I have a coturnix quail about 1 year old. She’s been seeming unhappy and staying by herself in a corner. Recently she’s started laying every other day (from the regularly daily egg) but it’s a fully shelled egg inside another shell with some egg white. Is this an indicator of some kind of health problem? She seems to be doing fine with food and water etc.
That’s weird! Sounds like the original egg isn’t moving down the assembly line and is getting a double shell job! I’d guess either age related changes or repro tract issues, none of which are easy to treat or fix, might consider culling her before she gets egg bound or worse!
Thanks for the replies everyone! I do regularly give my quail oyster shell, but not daily. I’ll give her more and see if that helps.

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