Quail laying issues


Aug 10, 2024
Hi there,
I'm new here, so apologies if this post is under the wrong forum.
I have a pet Japanese quail named Pippa who is less than a year old, but laying. She lives in my house and I have an Aviary outside I put her into onto nice warm days where she had access to grass, soil and shelter.
I've been having ongoing issues with my poor girl for the last few months regarding egg laying.
She used to lay without issue (even laid one on my hand, haha).
I noticed a white egg she had laid, not her usual pigmented one. I chalked it up to a freak occurrence, but about a week later she started becoming very flat, struggling to walk (she'll stretch her legs right out behind her when trying to walk and stumble over). I honestly thought she was having a seizure or becoming paralyzed, or something else neurological. I took her to my vet and he said he could feel an egg in her, and gave her a calcium injection as this could be related. She later passed another white egg and was back to her usual bright active self seconds after passing the egg. The shell quality got progressively worse, she even passed a couple of soft shells, so I upped her calcium. I've had her on oyster grit and calcium with vitamin D liquid to supplement her water. She continued to lay white eggs, occasionally laying a pigmented one- but was still having the same issue of flatness before passing a white egg. We started her on Enrofloxacin under my vet's guidance and she responded well to this, laying pigmented eggs with no signs of discomfort, but then laid another white egg a day after the antibiotic treatment stopped (total 10 day course) so I extended the treatment for a couple more days.
We've had a really good run for about a month, all pigmented and good quality shell, but she's back to being flat and uncomfortable again today. She laid a white egg 3 days ago, a pigmented one last night. I'll be making another appointment with my vet tomorrow (as it's Sunday in NZ) but wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this in their quails or chickens?
Thank you for reading and I would really appreciate your input. I've been following these forums for a while, just joined up today because I'm desperate for more insights into this issue.
Salpingitis (infection/inflammation of the female reproductive tract), seemingly bacterial in nature (fine when on antibiotics) but hard to cure and likely to cause worsening scarring and inflammation and symptoms. Keep her on the enroflaxacin indefinitely to control symptoms as long as you can. If you could get her ‘fixed’ that would be curative but I don’t know that an ovarectemy is ever done on quail! Maybe keeping her exposed to less than 10 hours of light daily will stop laying?
That doesn't sound like what I've read of salpingitis. It does sound like there's something going on with her reproductive tract, though. Can you try limiting her light to 8 hours or less a day to give her a break from laying for a while?

If she ever "lays" a foul smelling nasty looking egg that isn't an egg when you cut it open, that is a lash egg, which is a symptom of salpingitis.
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Salpingitis (infection/inflammation of the female reproductive tract), seemingly bacterial in nature (fine when on antibiotics) but hard to cure and likely to cause worsening scarring and inflammation and symptoms. Keep her on the enroflaxacin indefinitely to control symptoms as long as you can. If you could get her ‘fixed’ that would be curative but I don’t know that an ovarectemy is ever done on quail! Maybe keeping her exposed to less than 10 hours of light daily will stop laying?
Thank you for your reply, appreciate the input. It did make me think it was a bacterial issue due to how well she responded to the Enrofloxacin. Getting her fixed with a hormone implant to stop her laying is on the table as an option with my vet, but I worry about the risk involved with going under anesthetic. It looks like this is going to be the best option for quality of life for my girl though...
That doesn't sound like what I've read of salpingitis. It does sound like there's something going on with her reproductive tract, though. Can you try limiting her light to 8 hours or less a day to give her a break from laying for a while?

If she ever "lays" a foul smelling nasty looking egg that isn't an egg when you cut it open, that is a lash egg, which is a symptom of salpingitis.
Thank you for your input, much appreciated. I'll open up the white eggs and see what's going on inside, if there's any foul smell. There's been no foul smell from the eggs intact.

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