- Sep 14, 2022
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- 137
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During the cold spell we had the past few weeks, we added a heat lamp (very safely) to the coop. I know it's not the best idea but we had to because we were worried about one of our chickens after one very cold night - the next day she was still in a corner all day almost frozen (Live NC, not used to this type of cold). Anyway - the result was that the red light tricked them back into laying. I don't want them to lay, I want them to rest until the natural season. Cold spell finally over and I want to remove the heat/light but I'm really worried I'm going to cause havoc on their egg system just suddenly turning out the light. We probably have about 5-6 weeks left until daylight moves them back into natural production. If I remove the heat lamp/light now am I playing too much yo-yo with their system when egg laying season isn't too far away. Suggestion? Thoughts? I feel bad that they are laying right now....Would you cut the light out or ride it out since I'm already in this position with them?