Solved Question needing answered


Apr 17, 2024
Deep South Texas
Does anyone know what it takes to be a Moderator, or what's it called for people who are on byc and it says joined 5 years ago and it says something like Smells like chicken or something funny. Mine says chirping.

Does it have to do with how long a person is on backyard chickens?
Does anyone know what it takes to be a Moderator, or what's it called for people who are on byc and it says joined 5 years ago and it says something like Smells like chicken or something funny. Mine says chirping.

Does it have to do with how long a person is on backyard chickens?
I believe you need to buy a PFM membership to edit your byline (or whatever it’s called). You can also edit posts if you have a PFM, and no more ads!
Chirping pertains to how many posts and reactions you have.
or what's it called for people who are on byc and it says joined 5 years ago and it says something like Smells like chicken or something funny. Mine says chirping.

Does it have to do with how long a person is on backyard chickens?
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Does anyone know what it takes to be a Moderator,
Great question!

We often applaud our current moderators because of the time and effort they put into keeping this place going. We have a very diverse set of individuals moderating this board and while each of the BYC staff may approach a given situation a little differently, each one has a strong desire to help the community and to see it grow.

Moderators come and go (and some come back again), but in general, for BYC (or any other message board / forum for that matter) the requirements to be a moderator are:

1. Above all, you must have a love for the community and a strong desire to help it grow by keeping it a friendly and safe place for everyone and anyone to visit.

2. You must show maturity, decorum and common sense when dealing with other members of the forum.

3. You must have posted enough 'sensible' posts to gain a decent post count. This shows that you're engaged with the community and that you are already working for its betterment.

4. You must have been a member of the forum for at least 3 months and contributed regularly to the forum during this time.

5. A knowledge of poultry is preferred but not required... just a love of the community and the energy and desire to help fellow members.

We don't accept applications from members who want to become moderators. Instead, when our existing team feels that we're in need of more help, we all get together and submit a handful of names for consideration. We discuss the members, review their posts, etc., then we all vote on if / who we'd like to add to our team.

So, if you want to become a member of the BYC staff / moderator team, your best bet is to be an awesome active helpful member, support our existing moderators, and volunteer for projects, etc.

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