My dominant hen was won over early.
I saw them fight it out.
But this time the roo attacked a little hen age 2. She is thin and missing lots of feathers. She squats too. Poor thing she will be so submissive to anyone. He really wants to kill her. He will chase her so much she will fly into our arms. She wasn't hand trained but was desperate for help.
I wonder is she is the runt and he wants to remove the weak link
My hen was the same jumping on me and in my arms which is unusual for her. I think he was bad because I had 3 younger roosters (4 it turned out). Since they were all dispatched (reluctanttly) she went back to being her normal ignoring me self.
I know our two boys are young and we had hens going through molts so I had them separated. I can’t have both boys with the hens together because there are only nine hens and two roos, but also they just want to mate one after the next and they just go crazy when they are with them together. Our buff rooster is actually not too bad when he’s alone with the hens. But the green queen rooster just runs and jumps on whatever hen he can and mates with then then runs and chases the next one. It’s so hectic! He’s actually very sweet when he and his brother are not around the hens. We’ve had his since he was a chicks so I’d rather not make him into soup. There is a bachelor flock not too far from us that will take roosters so if he doesn’t calm down with the hens I think his only other option besides the pot would be the bachelor flock.

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