
Jun 28, 2024
I have a Hen who is three years old and she was recently attacked by a raccoon. Unfortunately I didn’t know until the blood had already dried on her face. I cleaned up her face with some hydrogen peroxide the best that I could and she has been drinking soooo much water but seems to be struggling to eat. She’s interested in the food and treats I’ve been offering her and even sticks her beak in with the food and tries to grab it but doesn’t actually eat anything and gives up rather quickly. I’ve tried mealworms, kiwi, strawberries and cucumber as well as regular chicken feed. I have her on electrolyte water with some chickie vitamins and she just seems very lethargic. Dried blood was hardened on one of her nostrils and I completely cleared that up for her but when she breathes it makes a sort of bubble popping sound. She seems better today than yesterday but not by much. It seems like the raccoon just attempted to eat her face and failed we lost a chick in the attack so I’m wondering what the hell happened because the more dried blood I clear away I’m still not seeing any wounds on her. her beak looks fine I’m starting to think it may be shock Any additional advice would be amazing. I don’t see any other injuries on her at all other than her face


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Update I noticed that her beak was bruised up pretty badly so I added some electrolyte water into her chicken feed to make a watery chicken oatmeal and she has been eating small amounts yesterday and today, she seems to be doing better!
Update 2: So I figured I’d update this for any possible chance of helping someone else in the future:)

Honey the hen was really not doing great from the start she refused to eat anything at all and would only drink what seemed like gallons of water so I let her do that for a few days and was trying as many soft foods as possible but she was very noticeably dropping weight and not eating much at all.

I decided she needed a pick me up so I got some nutri-drench and after a few days on that she still would not eat so I took matters into my own hands and blended together fish based wet cat food, chicken feed, and water; and wrapped her in a towel while I opened her beak and put very small amounts of the liquid in the very frontal part of her beak with a dropper, allowing her to spit it out or swallow it on her own, luckily she chose to swallow it. I did this three times a day for three days. After that she seemed to be awake more throughout the day and slowly recovering. She had constant access to smushed watermelon, raw egg yolks, high protein plain Greek yogurt, wet cat food, and mash (chicken feed with water) at all times and I refreshed them all every morning. I noticed she only really ate the egg yolk and watermelon. She is now eating chicken feed again and it’s doing GREAT!!<3 I hope this thread can help someone in the future!!!

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