Raiders of the lost eggs

Lazy Farmer

7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Florida Mountains
Just sold off all of our Leghorns. They were in a nasty habit of raiding our nesting boxes attacking and devouring our freshly laid eggs. Even though we have auto feeders and all the birds have a constant food source at their disposal. They would go from box to box one at a time like it was a contest. visious feeding frenzy. No other breeds we care for behave in this manner.
No more white Leghorns on this farm anymore
i raise white leghorns (the hybrid kind from the big hatchery's) they ate a few eggs when they started laying but more of the problem was picking each other.

but did you sell them to someone? for eggs or did they go to someone else for meat?
i raise whiwhite eggsghorns (the hybrid kind from the big hatchery's) they ate a few eggs when they started laying but more of the problem was picking each other.

but did you sell them to someone? for eggs or did they go to someone else for meat?
They were made aware of their bad habit. They lay giant beautiful whote

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