rainbow layers-breeds?


6 Years
Nov 22, 2013

newbie- rainbow layers- the last pic, the close up head shot, is Baby- she's the smallest one in the flock, but I don't know her breed either. is there such a thing as a "runt" chicken?
thanks! :)

hope these are better pics! the first 2 are same bird. I'd like to know the breeds of the bottom 3 as well. thanks so much!
Second bird shown looks like May be a brown leghorn. I can't see the head on the white bird....so that makes it hard. Last I would guess production red. It's hard to tell with the first bird shown. Am I seeing white spots in places or is she a solid color?
The last pic looks like possibly a Rhode Island Red, Red Sex Link or Production Red. And yes there is such a thing as a runt chicken. I have a runt RIR that I got last year and she was always the smallest. She's a year old now and is still the smallest at only about 4 1/2 pounds and my other 2 RIRs are about 5 to 5 1/2 pounds and they are all the same age.
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