Raising first batch of meat birds - finshing food question


Jul 4, 2024
We are raising our first batch of meat birds that we produced here using a Rhode Island Red Rooster x both Rhode Island Red hens and Buff Orpington Hens.

We are feeding Nutrina Naturewise Flockshield Grower food, no antibiotics added to this feed. My question is, do I need to switch to a finishing food prior to dispatching the birds for our freezer?

Years ago someone we knew raised layers and when they were done butchered them, they tasted awful and we don't want the same results with our own birds. Is finishing food still a thing?

Also, does anyone have any advise on what age to process these guys? They are quite large already at 15 weeks, at least the roosters are (and they're starting to crow already).

Any advise would be appreciated, thank you! Happy 4th!!!
I start at 16 wks
Cooking methods depending on age

ETA I rest until rigor mortis has passed on ice or in refrigerator. Older birds I rest for a week.

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