This is my first question to you experts.
My family and I have recently purchased 8 chicks, 4 Easter eggers and 4 rare Marens, and have decided to raise them on all organic feed, food, etc.
We don’t use pesticides or fertilizers aside from our own compost.
I really want some info on anything else I might be missing that is necessary for these birds to be happy and healthy living 100% organically or as close to that as I can.
We feed them “peck and scratch” organic feed as well as organic fruits and vegetables right now along with chick grit at the moment.
When they’re living outside in their coop, they’ll have access to lots of space and will be moved around our yard in a chicken tractor (to keep them safe from hawks in our area) and to keep them from hopping the fence and being hit by a car.
Will they need vet visits, can they live healthy lives without antibiotics? Do they need anything additional?
The more natural the better for me.
Thank you in advance for reading this lengthy post!
This is my first question to you experts.
My family and I have recently purchased 8 chicks, 4 Easter eggers and 4 rare Marens, and have decided to raise them on all organic feed, food, etc.
We don’t use pesticides or fertilizers aside from our own compost.
I really want some info on anything else I might be missing that is necessary for these birds to be happy and healthy living 100% organically or as close to that as I can.
We feed them “peck and scratch” organic feed as well as organic fruits and vegetables right now along with chick grit at the moment.
When they’re living outside in their coop, they’ll have access to lots of space and will be moved around our yard in a chicken tractor (to keep them safe from hawks in our area) and to keep them from hopping the fence and being hit by a car.
Will they need vet visits, can they live healthy lives without antibiotics? Do they need anything additional?
The more natural the better for me.
Thank you in advance for reading this lengthy post!