My 1 year old black Spanish turkey hen is still picking at the wounds on her legs. After weeks of cleaning well, using antibiotic cream, using self stick bandages (and having trouble getting them off because I am doing this alone), she is still going through this…we both are…and I feel so bad for her. Today I tried a bandaide on the areas she has picked at her wounds and put a clean/new sock over her leg and put the self stick bandages around that. Then I put some Vaseline on her foot and wrapped her foot with the self stick bandages. I am hoping that the bandage will be easier to get off by myself in a few days. But, I have no doubt that she will pick at it all again once it is uncovered. Does anyone have any experience using a soft inflatable collar on a turkey hen? Will it stop her from reaching her legs and feet? I am also worried that it may depress her? UGH. I know the wounds won’t heal quickly without being uncovered and scabbing and I need her to leave them alone. Any help is appreciated.