Recover Collar for Adult Turkey Hen?


Aug 19, 2020
Eastern TN
My 1 year old black Spanish turkey hen is still picking at the wounds on her legs. After weeks of cleaning well, using antibiotic cream, using self stick bandages (and having trouble getting them off because I am doing this alone), she is still going through this…we both are…and I feel so bad for her. Today I tried a bandaide on the areas she has picked at her wounds and put a clean/new sock over her leg and put the self stick bandages around that. Then I put some Vaseline on her foot and wrapped her foot with the self stick bandages. I am hoping that the bandage will be easier to get off by myself in a few days. But, I have no doubt that she will pick at it all again once it is uncovered. Does anyone have any experience using a soft inflatable collar on a turkey hen? Will it stop her from reaching her legs and feet? I am also worried that it may depress her? UGH. I know the wounds won’t heal quickly without being uncovered and scabbing and I need her to leave them alone. Any help is appreciated.
A suggestion is rather than bandaging the area, paint the affected areas with New Skin.

It will need to be reapplied every 2 or 3 days. You will likely need help for the first application as it does burn when applied to an open wound.

My personal experience is that it greatly aids healing and bypasses the scab stage.
A suggestion is rather than bandaging the area, paint the affected areas with New Skin.

It will need to be reapplied every 2 or 3 days. You will likely need help for the first application as it does burn when applied to an open wound.

My personal experience is that it greatly aids healing and bypasses the scab stage.
Thanks for your reply. I am not familiar with new skin. Is it like blue kote? She pecks right through the bandaides and bandages until she bleeds…actually hurting herself. Would she be able to peck through this product?
Thanks for your reply. I am not familiar with new skin. Is it like blue kote? She pecks right through the bandaides and bandages until she bleeds…actually hurting herself. Would she be able to peck through this product?
So I just read about new skin. Seems like great product, but it forms a hard covering…which will no doubt ‘bother’ her. I really think I need some way to keep her from touching her legs and feet for maybe a week or so while they heal up. I am hoping that will work for her. Not sure what to do if it doesn’’t work. Right now I have a sock ‘bandaged’ to her leg and she pecked at her foot yesterday til it bled. It’s just an awful situation. Still would like to know if collars could work…if anyone has tried it. Thanks so much.
So I just read about new skin. Seems like great product, but it forms a hard covering…which will no doubt ‘bother’ her. I really think I need some way to keep her from touching her legs and feet for maybe a week or so while they heal up. I am hoping that will work for her. Not sure what to do if it doesn't work. Right now I have a sock ‘bandaged’ to her leg and she pecked at her foot yesterday til it bled. It’s just an awful situation. Still would like to know if collars could work…if anyone has tried it. Thanks so much.
Once New Skin dries, it forms a flexible clear plastic like covering.

It burns while being applied to an open wound. It takes a few minutes to dry. Once dry it seems to remove the pain or itch. It does promote more rapid healing.

I believe that your hen has gotten fixated on pecking her feet. The fixation part is a turkey thing with their one track minds once they get an idea in their heads.

Turkey necks are not like dog necks. I doubt a neck collar would be accepted or even work. I do suspect it would cause harm to the neck.

I can envision a cone type thing being attached at the hocks to prevent access to the lower area but even that probably won't work with your hen.

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