Recurrent stuck egg

Yes I've been doing a bit of reading and searching about anatomy and I think because of the size and how close it is to the vent it makes sense that it could be the shell gland? Of course I don't know for sure.

We have never dewormed, I've never noticed any worms in their poop but it could be something that I've missed. I just spent the last hour trying to find dewormer and I'm running into the same problem as the antibiotics - I'm having a hard time finding actual medicated dewormer as opposed to "natural". However, I was able to find safeguard horse dewormer paste that will ship to me which I see is sometimes used for chickens. Would it be safe to use this even if they don't have confirmed worms?

Thank you 🙏🏻 I really appreciate all your help
Yes, you can use the Safeguard Equine Paste or Safeguard Liquid Goat Dewormer (the liquid is more economical). Dose for both is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once daily for 5 days in a row.
Well I just wanted to post an update for anyone who would like one.

It's been another week and Wanda still can't pass an egg without help. It seems to be getting more and more difficult for her. Her last few eggs I've had to gently help her expel it by pushing the egg toward her vent from the outside. I don't think I'm making the problem any better by doing that but my thought process was she needed to get the egg out asap (had been over 24 hrs since she started pushing, each time). More of her oviduct seems to be protruding with each egg. I'm worried now that her oviduct has more injury going on that can't heal because she keeps having this problem happen over and over.

So I think we've come to the decision to cull her. This is no way for her to live. She's only 1 year old so she has a few more years of egg laying ahead of her and I don't want her going through this pain and struggle almost every day for 3 more years. It makes me really sad because as I've said, she seems to be fine in every other way.

Her egg today had a lot of calcium deposit on it. She laid the egg in the bath and the extra calcium wiped right off with paper towel.

We haven't dewormed yet, waiting for the dewormer to arrive. We have upped her protein to 20% by adding a supplement to her food, stopped feeding treats altogether, I give a vitamin supplement daily now in the water instead of weekly, and we've treated for lice. I stopped giving her calcium tablets last weekend, and she's been back out in the run since earlier this week, besides 3 trips to the tub to lay an egg. But I've been drying her off and taking her back outside right away. She seems happier with her buddies than she did in the house by herself.

So I guess this is my last ditch effort for any more ideas on what I can do for her. I really, really appreciate everyone's help so far! If there's nothing I can do I don't want her to keep suffering. It seems so painful for her :( thank you
Probably the best option, if you want to save her, would be a hormone implant, usually Suprelorin. But it has to be done by a vet, is not inexpensive, and has to be redone periodically. That would stop her laying. But many don't have access to a vet that does them, or can't justify the cost. Personal choice. She may not be built exactly right, or there is damage or stretching from all the straining and issues, that may just be making it worse. I had a bird that never laid a shelled egg, from day one. Always a fully formed egg with membrane, but no shell at all. So her shell gland was apparently defective. She sadly, got taken by a predator, so didn't live long enough for it to become an issue yet. Just saying, things happen that are out of our control sometimes. Whatever you decide, it will be the right thing for all of you. :hugs
Probably the best option, if you want to save her, would be a hormone implant, usually Suprelorin. But it has to be done by a vet, is not inexpensive, and has to be redone periodically. That would stop her laying. But many don't have access to a vet that does them, or can't justify the cost. Personal choice. She may not be built exactly right, or there is damage or stretching from all the straining and issues, that may just be making it worse. I had a bird that never laid a shelled egg, from day one. Always a fully formed egg with membrane, but no shell at all. So her shell gland was apparently defective. She sadly, got taken by a predator, so didn't live long enough for it to become an issue yet. Just saying, things happen that are out of our control sometimes. Whatever you decide, it will be the right thing for all of you. :hugs
Thank you so much ❤️ I don't think I would be able to do the hormone implant unfortunately, I can't even find a vet that will see chickens in my area. And googling the cost 😳 I'm in Canada too so I'm sure the cost would be much higher here. If our financial situation was different I may consider it. I do love my girl but that's a lot! I appreciate the suggestion though. I thought there must be a way to "spay" a chicken without surgery. And there is!

I'm hesitant to pull the trigger - so to speak. Nights are starting to get cold here already so I'm wondering if maybe she'll molt soon and give herself a bit of a break for her body to heal. But this would be her first molt so I have no idea when to expect it.

Thanks again for your kind words. It won't be an easy decision, that's for sure.
Well I just wanted to post an update for anyone who would like one.

It's been another week and Wanda still can't pass an egg without help. It seems to be getting more and more difficult for her. Her last few eggs I've had to gently help her expel it by pushing the egg toward her vent from the outside. I don't think I'm making the problem any better by doing that but my thought process was she needed to get the egg out asap (had been over 24 hrs since she started pushing, each time). More of her oviduct seems to be protruding with each egg. I'm worried now that her oviduct has more injury going on that can't heal because she keeps having this problem happen over and over.

So I think we've come to the decision to cull her. This is no way for her to live. She's only 1 year old so she has a few more years of egg laying ahead of her and I don't want her going through this pain and struggle almost every day for 3 more years. It makes me really sad because as I've said, she seems to be fine in every other way.

Her egg today had a lot of calcium deposit on it. She laid the egg in the bath and the extra calcium wiped right off with paper towel.

We haven't dewormed yet, waiting for the dewormer to arrive. We have upped her protein to 20% by adding a supplement to her food, stopped feeding treats altogether, I give a vitamin supplement daily now in the water instead of weekly, and we've treated for lice. I stopped giving her calcium tablets last weekend, and she's been back out in the run since earlier this week, besides 3 trips to the tub to lay an egg. But I've been drying her off and taking her back outside right away. She seems happier with her buddies than she did in the house by herself.

So I guess this is my last ditch effort for any more ideas on what I can do for her. I really, really appreciate everyone's help so far! If there's nothing I can do I don't want her to keep suffering. It seems so painful for her :( thank you

Thank you so much ❤️ I don't think I would be able to do the hormone implant unfortunately, I can't even find a vet that will see chickens in my area. And googling the cost 😳 I'm in Canada too so I'm sure the cost would be much higher here. If our financial situation was different I may consider it. I do love my girl but that's a lot! I appreciate the suggestion though. I thought there must be a way to "spay" a chicken without surgery. And there is!

I'm hesitant to pull the trigger - so to speak. Nights are starting to get cold here already so I'm wondering if maybe she'll molt soon and give herself a bit of a break for her body to heal. But this would be her first molt so I have no idea when to expect it.

Thanks again for your kind words. It won't be an easy decision, that's for sure.
:hugs I'm sorry to hear Wanda is not improving a lot.

These decisions are so hard to make at times, but it sounds like you have thought all this through too.

Whatever you do, know that you have done everything you can for her.

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