Yes, you can use the Safeguard Equine Paste or Safeguard Liquid Goat Dewormer (the liquid is more economical). Dose for both is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once daily for 5 days in a row.Yes I've been doing a bit of reading and searching about anatomy and I think because of the size and how close it is to the vent it makes sense that it could be the shell gland? Of course I don't know for sure.
We have never dewormed, I've never noticed any worms in their poop but it could be something that I've missed. I just spent the last hour trying to find dewormer and I'm running into the same problem as the antibiotics - I'm having a hard time finding actual medicated dewormer as opposed to "natural". However, I was able to find safeguard horse dewormer paste that will ship to me which I see is sometimes used for chickens. Would it be safe to use this even if they don't have confirmed worms?
Thank youI really appreciate all your help