Red chicken.... what breed/gender?


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2016
Ontario, Canada
A friend stopped by last night and brought a chicken he had just got that was a package deal with another rooster he bought. He was told it's a rooster as well but I'm not so sure the girls seem to be keeping him in line and I noticed it was in the nest box this morning . Any idea if it's a hen or cockerel? Also what breed? Looks like a rhode island red but I don't own any to compare it too. Small green tail and a few green feathers in wings.



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I'd say it's definitely a cockerel. He's just young so the ladies can keep him in check. I have a cockerel that looks to be about the same age and he's still not at the top of the pecking order and the girls boss him around.
How old is yours? My friend said the lady told him it was only 8 or 9 weeks but I have 8 week old chicks here and they are still very much little chicks
No comments on the bird but, wanted to call your attention to the gap between coop and run (left side, first picture). There is enough room for a small or insistent predator to slip through to get your birds, also looks like they can go under your coop from that point as well. I congratulate you for using hardware cloth but, you have to check for openings everywhere. That's what predators will be doing.
Yes it is a poor setup but I plan on building a new coop next weekend with 2 4x8 sections. Wish I could find decent plans . Would like to make the one section for pigeons

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