Hi everyone, new here and I’m looking for advice and resources on rehoming a bully flock member. We’ve had a mixed flock of 5 hens for over a year, we got them all as chicks. One of our australorps has turned into a major bully; she’s been aggressively mounting 2 other hens like a rooster, causing damage to their feathers and skin. We’ve tried putting her in a “bully breaker” dog crate a few times, each time increasing the days in the crate and releasing her back to the flock. Unfortunately, as soon as she is released, she aggressively mounts 1 of her 2 favored victims. We’re at the point we’re we need to rehome her as our other chickens are miserable around her. Our chickens get ample free range time, a great diet, they basically live like backyard queens. If anyone has tips or tricks for rehoming in northeastern Massachusetts, please let me know. Thanks!