Renegade Hen help!


Jun 29, 2022
Coastal N.C.
I have a wyandott who has gone rogue! They free range a few hours each day. But Ms.Maribel came up missing 2 weeks ago. I thought something got her ..3 days later she showed up in the yard, wouldn't come close but ate scratch I threw her then disappeared again! This has gone on for 2 weeks now every 3rd day she comes to eat then disappears before I can see where she's going! I think she may be on a nest nearby but I don't have a rooster! How long will it take for her to realize those eggs won't hatch?!
We caught her! She seems a bit thinner & one of her eyes is closed but she's now in the pen with the rest of the girls. I'm going to keep them locked up for a few days hopefully that will break her or should I wait longer? Thanks for all the help.
Thanks I collect the eggs every evening. The others are going to be upset at being locked up for a bit but maybe they'll get over it I'll give them extra treats to make up for it 😀

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