Reoccurring illness


Jul 23, 2024
I currently have 9 laying hens, I’ve had other but about every 2 months I’ll get one girl who has a hunched appearance and drowsy demeanor that’ll just stand around and over 2-3 days her health will decline to death. I’ve tried treating with Corid and as if she is egg bound to no avail. Anyone have other ideas on what it may be?
If you have another sick bird, post a thread and include any pictures and symptoms for help. Sorry for your loss. How old were the chickens you have lost? Did they lay eggs or have any crop problems? The best way to find a diagnosis is to have your state vet do a necropsy asap when you lose a bird. Keep the body cold, not frozen and take or ship it to the state lab. AZ is a bit more expensive that some states but it may be worth it. Sometimes I do a home necropsy on hens that I lose. It is nowhere as complete as the state vet does, but might help. Here is a list of state vets:

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