In the Brooder
I have seven 1-week old chicks that will need a coop to call their own in the near future. I've asked around for anything I can reuse or repurpose, and someone has offered me the below two rabbit hutches. I'm trying to decide if I should go pick them up - I mean, they are free
Roll Call:
I had three thoughts as to how I could use them:
I would attach nesting boxes from the outside, maybe even remove each of the second floors and then elevate them inside the run so the girls could go underneath. They need to be pressure washed, reinforced against prey and have hardware cloth added. My biggest concern is whether it will be enough room.
This one is 60"L x 19"W x 36"H at peak
This one is 39.5"L x 26"W x 36"H
I would love to hear everyone's opinions. TYIA

Roll Call:
2 Buff Orpingtons
2 Barred Rock
2 Ameraucana
1 Black Australorp (we lost one this morning

I had three thoughts as to how I could use them:
- As is - two separate coops that the girls can pick from.
- Figure out how to put them together on their broad side to make it one large space.
- Consider them raw materials for building a new one.
I would attach nesting boxes from the outside, maybe even remove each of the second floors and then elevate them inside the run so the girls could go underneath. They need to be pressure washed, reinforced against prey and have hardware cloth added. My biggest concern is whether it will be enough room.
This one is 60"L x 19"W x 36"H at peak
This one is 39.5"L x 26"W x 36"H
I would love to hear everyone's opinions. TYIA