rescued a gosling with what appears to be severe wry neck... help?


Apr 29, 2023
hi !!! i've called about twenty different vets with this and they've either not picked up or said they can't help me. i found a baby gosling - very young, small, mostly still yellow - laying on its back and flapping its feet on the sidewalk outside my house. mama bird was nowhere to be found and it was dark out, so i picked him up with gloves and put him into a towel-lined box because i didn't want him to become coyote food.
when i picked him up, he was essentially immobile and limp in my hands. i thought he had a broken neck, because his neck was very floppy. he kicks his feet, opens his mouth, blinks, and moves a bit - but otherwise he is pretty floppy. one rescue which i called said that it was he probably a case of wry neck and was unlikely to make it. i know nothing about keeping geese or chickens, but i would feel terrible just leaving him on the ground.
its around 10pm and every vet is closed. im hoping he lives through the night and i can take him to the vet tomorrow.

hoping this forum has some advice for me. is the situation entirely hopeless? is there any chance of him surviving? on my part, what can i do to increase his chances of surviving the night? should i attempt to give him more food and water, maybe with a dropper? any help would be very much appreciated, as im totally lost.
thanks so much!
hi !!! i've called about twenty different vets with this and they've either not picked up or said they can't help me. i found a baby gosling - very young, small, mostly still yellow - laying on its back and flapping its feet on the sidewalk outside my house. mama bird was nowhere to be found and it was dark out, so i picked him up with gloves and put him into a towel-lined box because i didn't want him to become coyote food.
when i picked him up, he was essentially immobile and limp in my hands. i thought he had a broken neck, because his neck was very floppy. he kicks his feet, opens his mouth, blinks, and moves a bit - but otherwise he is pretty floppy. one rescue which i called said that it was he probably a case of wry neck and was unlikely to make it. i know nothing about keeping geese or chickens, but i would feel terrible just leaving him on the ground.
its around 10pm and every vet is closed. im hoping he lives through the night and i can take him to the vet tomorrow.

hoping this forum has some advice for me. is the situation entirely hopeless? is there any chance of him surviving? on my part, what can i do to increase his chances of surviving the night? should i attempt to give him more food and water, maybe with a dropper? any help would be very much appreciated, as im totally lost.
thanks so much!
Where are you located generally? Could you send a picture of the gosling? I'm not entirely sure on treatments for wry neck, but I'll tag some people.
@Miss Lydia
im located in northern virginia, about an hour southwest of DC. here are some of the photos i took - you can see that his neck is especially droopy. when i put him in the box, he won't stand up and just sort of lies limp. is there anything i can do?
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Do you have vitamin E in the house? Give one capsule into the bill. It will swallow.

If this little one is still in down, it will require heat. Do you have a heating pad?
It will also need to eat. The vitamin E should work quickly. Cook a soft boiled egg and let it eat it. You may need to hold it upright and prop up its head so it can slurp the egg.
Do you have vitamin E in the house? Give one capsule into the bill. It will swallow.

If this little one is still in down, it will require heat. Do you have a heating pad?
Where are you located generally? Could you send a picture of the gosling? I'm not entirely sure on treatments for wry neck, but I'll tag some people.
@Miss Lydia
hi guys, thank you so much for your help but it appears the little fellow has passed on :(
left him alone in the box for about twenty minutes and came back to find him unresponsive and entirely limp. i had just made a heating sock for him so i am currently a bit heartbroken :( left the heating sock next to him in case there's still some life. thanks for the responses :)

im also unsure of what i do with him now that he's passed on? do i bury him? any help would once again be much appreciated :(
Keep the ambient air around the baby at 99.5 degrees. It needs to stay warm. Make sure you feed and water a little at a time. Don't over feed and water. Since it's in this current condition.

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