Rescued duckling won't eat


Jul 13, 2024
Hi there,
I rescued a little duckling yesterday from a dangerous situation in a river. I think it's a Mallard. It appears very young, still has the little spike on its bill that I think is uses to help it hatch?

I've gotten it non-medicated chick starter but it won't eat. I've tried feeding it finely chopped grapes and broccoli as well as little pieces of grass. Also crumbles of bread. So far it just picks things up, shakes it's head, and the food falls out. I haven't seen it actually eat anything. I gave it a drop of honey to try and boost it but it still wouldn't eat. It does drink water out of the water feeder, and it will get up and walk around and flap it's wings so I don't think it's too tired to eat.

I've tried putting little pieces of food in the water as well and it will pick them up but it just drops them again. Should I be concerned that it's not eating or is it still just getting used to its new environment? Is it just being picky with the food or is it's beak to small to eat?

Thanks for any advice
Might try wetting down the feed with warm water. But I wouldn’t give any other things to eat since it would need grit to break it down just stick to starter since it doesn’t need grit to it it. If the duckling just hatched they usually don’t need to eat for 2-3 days because they are living off the yolk sac they absorbed while hatching

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