We have recently rescued about ten hens from a rather horrible situation. This situation consisted of overcrowding, poor water/feed, and no bedding to rest in. Essentially they were kept in a small, narrow, and short pen, with over two dozen birds inside.
These hens were filthy, to the point where droppings and mud were clumped to their skin/feathers. Since our temperatures are lowering, accompanied by strong winds, we decided to wash most of the hens so they'd have a better chance of being warm. Upon washing this hen in particular, (her name is Kewpie!) Her neck has inflated during some of her breathing. The inflation is on and off, meaning that sometimes her neck looks completely normal. Other than that, she's perfectly fine. No sneezing, snot, ir anything or the sort. This is our third day of having these hens, she behaves normally within the small flock. The only other notable information is that her nostrils do look a bit smaller, at least maybe to the chickens I'm used to.
Thank you in advance for any responses!
These hens were filthy, to the point where droppings and mud were clumped to their skin/feathers. Since our temperatures are lowering, accompanied by strong winds, we decided to wash most of the hens so they'd have a better chance of being warm. Upon washing this hen in particular, (her name is Kewpie!) Her neck has inflated during some of her breathing. The inflation is on and off, meaning that sometimes her neck looks completely normal. Other than that, she's perfectly fine. No sneezing, snot, ir anything or the sort. This is our third day of having these hens, she behaves normally within the small flock. The only other notable information is that her nostrils do look a bit smaller, at least maybe to the chickens I'm used to.
Thank you in advance for any responses!