Hello, my rooster is having trouble breathing this morning, he is gasping for air, opening his beak, and I hear congestion coming from his beak. He is coughing and gasping. His eyes are also watery/foamy. No discharge for his nostrils yet. I applied VetRx to his nostrils, beak, comb, wings, eyes, as well as inside his mouth on his palate with a q-tip. There are no vets near me that treat chickens, but I'm pretty sure he needs antibiotics. I don't know what kind or how much to give him or what else to do for him.
It's been rainy/snowy/windy for a few days but I wrapped the coop and run with plastic sheets and have done my best to keep it as dry as possible, with adequate ventilation so I'm sad this happened to him and I don't know what else to do
I'm scared he's going to die; I love him very much
It's been rainy/snowy/windy for a few days but I wrapped the coop and run with plastic sheets and have done my best to keep it as dry as possible, with adequate ventilation so I'm sad this happened to him and I don't know what else to do