Resurfacing a rusted stock tank for brooder -- safety question.


Sep 16, 2021
East Texas
Well, the inevitable happened, and our chicks (at 4 weeks) are outgrowing the XL dog kennel/brooder. I had originally planned to have half the number we do at this stage, but the friends who want the other half cannot fetch them for 2 more weeks.

I salvaged a 100-gallon metal stock tank from my folks' place, but it was flaking with rust. An employee at Tractor Supply advised using a metal-bristle brush to scrape that off, followed by a coat of Rustoleum self-etching automotive primer. I did that, and plan to follow with a second coat of Rustoleum in hammered metal.

Will this be safe when fully dried? I trust it will be a smooth surface that hopefully won't flake if pecked, but would value any input to the contrary.

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