Return of Cocci ?

Lils Roost

Apr 21, 2024
So a little over a month ago, I had a major bloody stool, intestinal lining thing hit my flock. I put them on corid; 1tsp per 1 gal for the 7 days. I could still see some blood so treated them again : 2 tsp per gal. with NutriDrench. From there, I had one or two with foamy poop and some more blood so I treated with trimethoprim/sulfa; 7 days, 10 days withdrawal. Throughout the whole antibiotic treatment I had one maybe two with foamy poop; some foul smelling; almost looking cecal a few times a week. I'm now 5 days past the antibiotic withdrawal period and finally eating eggs again. This morning, the foamy poop is still there with my laying hens, one with cecal looking poop and now one of my 12 wk olds had a piece of intestinal lining expelled again. I started them on covid again; 2tsp per gal. The coop is cleaned out daily; not scrubbed, but scooped and cleaned. The run is picked up daily. But can you give me any more advice? Will another round of strong covid hurt them? Could this be something else? Sorry I don't have pics.
A bit of intestinal shed ding in the stool every now and then is a normal finding with most chickens. That looks a bit more orangey red than bright red. With Corid dosage you can do a 5-7 day treatment of the maximum dose, then reduce the dosage for another 5 days without too much problem. But since you have also used sulfa, you may want to give them some probiotics to get their gut bacteria back to normal. Another weaker dose of Corid (1/4 of the severe dose) shouldn’t hurt them, but whether it is necessary, it is hard to know. Is there any way that you can have a sample of their droppings checked for coccidia and worms? At their age, they normally will start to develop some resistance to the strain of coccidia in your soil. Here is a chart with the dosages of Corid that might help:
Unfortunately the vet in my area that handles poultry has exorbitant prices. Thank you @Eggcessive for your advice! I’ll stay on the corid and reduce to 1/2 dose for another 5 days …. And get some probiotics into the mix.
Chiming in to ask how this resolved for you. We had a pullet who pooped blood last month and it resolved with Corid. She showed no other symptoms. Two weeks later she started pooping bright red gelatinous intestinal lining (no other symptoms) so we did Corid again for another week. She’s still pooping out some bright red gelatinous stuff and I’m thinking I’ll switch to a sulfa.

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