Lils Roost
So a little over a month ago, I had a major bloody stool, intestinal lining thing hit my flock. I put them on corid; 1tsp per 1 gal for the 7 days. I could still see some blood so treated them again : 2 tsp per gal. with NutriDrench. From there, I had one or two with foamy poop and some more blood so I treated with trimethoprim/sulfa; 7 days, 10 days withdrawal. Throughout the whole antibiotic treatment I had one maybe two with foamy poop; some foul smelling; almost looking cecal a few times a week. I'm now 5 days past the antibiotic withdrawal period and finally eating eggs again. This morning, the foamy poop is still there with my laying hens, one with cecal looking poop and now one of my 12 wk olds had a piece of intestinal lining expelled again. I started them on covid again; 2tsp per gal. The coop is cleaned out daily; not scrubbed, but scooped and cleaned. The run is picked up daily. But can you give me any more advice? Will another round of strong covid hurt them? Could this be something else? Sorry I don't have pics.