Rhode Island Roo or Pullet


6 Years
May 13, 2013

Just joined the BYC forums. We are brand new to raising chickens, although my husband did grow up on a farm with rabbits and chickens.

We got 5 Rhode Island Red chicks and this little one doesn't look anything like the others. They are about 5-6 weeks old. We are starting to think this little one is a roo. After conferring with several chicken friends, everyone seems to think this is in fact a roo. What are your thoughts BYC community? I would say that the tail feathers are most certainly different. Thinner and slightly down turned. If it's a roo, he'll have to be re-homed.
Well darn. Time to find him a new home. Can't have a rooster where we live. The 4 other RIRs we have barely have combs and they are still yellowish.
Its no fun to get a boy when you didn't want one. Its hard because no matter how hard you try to not get attached... it happens. Hope you find a new home for him or that he makes a delicious dinner in a couple months.

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