Ringneck pheasant breeding season


8 Years
Sep 25, 2015
So we currently have a one year old ringneck rooster in pen with chicken hens, in hopes that he’ll breed them and we’d get hybrids. Is it odd that he’s shown no signs of being in breeding season? He hasn’t crowed or puffed up his face at all. The other day I found a wild rooster on the pen looking at him, but he still wasn’t puffed up or anything. Could simply not being around any ringneck hens stop him from mating behaviors. He was raised with chickens, so it’s not like he’s uncomfortable around them.


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Same here. I borrowed my brother’s dog and put him inside with cat in hopes of getting some dog/cat hybrids. They are fighting like hell, just like a married couple, but no kittypups yet.
I assume you are being sarcastic, but pheasant/chicken hybrids are very real.
What is the point of trying to breed hybrids? The chances are slim to none that he'll breed them. Or that the eggs will develop into healthy chicks. Why not spend your time doing something productive and breeding pheasants?
What is the point of trying to breed hybrids? The chances are slim to none that he'll breed them. Or that the eggs will develop into healthy chicks. Why not spend your time doing something productive and breeding pheasants?
Because it’s something I’ve always been interested in and I don’t mind a challenge. Birds are a hobby for me, so it really has nothing to do with productivity.

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